“I lost my job today,” Julia said with a sigh as she sat on the sofa beside me.
OH NO!” I replied. “What happened?”
“I was over $14.27 in my cash drawer. I don’t know how. I
counted everything. And this was the third strike against me in this area.
Three strikes and you’re automatically fired. I am a reliable worker and my
manager thinks so too yet I am suspended until farther notice,” Julia said.

I am not sure Julia was actually on board with the idea at
first but as we prayed, she seemed to relax and we sealed the deal with a hug.
The next day, I sat by Julia in church. During the praise
and worship, the Lord spoke to me and told me to ask Julia this question:
What are you expecting from

Later that afternoon, Julia received a call. Her boss had talked
to the corporate office about the error. Corporate wanted to stay firm on the
rules until Julia’s boss stressed that even with the error, Julia was still one
of her most dependable workers. After hearing that plea, corporate decided to
give Julia one more chance.
We both learned from this experience of trusting in God so with joy, we both celebrated the victorious news.
And now…as I take down the Christmas decorations, that same
question keeps coming back, challenging me to walk closer to God this year. I
know my heart wants to but how can that happen when my mind accuses me
of unworthiness?
Then Jesus gently reminded me,
“My blood
continuously cleanses you of all unrighteousness. There are no barriers keeping My favor away. When your mind accuses you of unworthiness,
who is behind those lies? I desire to freely bless you with grace and favor
beyond measure, if you will allow Me entrance into your daily situations.” Jesus held
out His hand, “Come…let us walk close together in this brand new
What are you expecting from Jesus this year?
Are you ready to change habitual thoughts and attitudes?
Will you let go and allow God to work on your behalf? Favor does not come
because of our abilities and righteousness. It comes because of our acceptance
of His. Allow God to work on your behalf this New Year and watch the marvelous
Wow, I loved this. I needed it. This takes me back to something that happened at the end of 2012. A friendship was severed for reasons I don't know. Was I devistated? Absolutely. And, I had a hard time forgiving this lady. But, this year I'm going to pray that she calls and wants to reconcile. The evidence up to this point doesn't look promising that she will, but like your question said, "what am I expecting of Him?" Love you!
ReplyDeleteAs you leave the matter in His hands, listen for any instructions, and wait for His timing, I am sure He will lead you to victory. After all, we are in the reconciling business! Love to you!
DeleteThis was very good. I know God smiled as you lead Julia by the hand and brought her closer to Him. Thank you for presenting that wonderful question, "What are you expecting from Me?" Much to ponder and much to pray. Praying you have a wonderful God centered New Year. I love you M.J.
ReplyDeleteI am getting bolder in my prayers. Instead of just letting things go and acting like I don't have any power in situations, I am stepping up to pray and asking God for help. He has been so encouraging lately. Love you too M!
DeleteHi Mary! Thank you for this post. Really enjoyed it. ~Marcie
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings on your New Year!
DeleteThanks Mary Jane for using my life's situation as an example to trust in God fully. :) You got everything right...especially to the much hugging. I love you Mom!
DeleteThanks Mary Jane for using my life's situation as an example to trust in God fully. :) You got everything right...especially to the much hugging. I love you Mom!
DeleteYou are are so welcome! Stepping out to trust Him more is developing my faith. To risk is to grow. To stand on the Truth is to be victorious. Love ya too!