
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Real Thing

From a letter I received from Kimm Car at      Community Bible Study:

Twenty-four hours ago, with absolute conviction, my twenty-year-old daughter said to me “I don’t like pudding.”  And so began a crazy conversation about the university’s cafeteria, high school lunch hours and what really happened to the items I packed in her school lunch.  “And I KNOW that I do not like pudding, chocolate or otherwise!”
I do.  So I pulled out 5 simple ingredients and went about the slow, time consuming process of making chocolate pudding from scratch.  OK, 6 ingredients but that’s because I am always looking for a way to add flavor and it worked because after the constant attention to whisking, stirring and tempering, I took a lick of the thick, hot, chocolate pudding-to-be and swooned.  Really, it was amazing.
My anti-pudding twenty year old was watching me.  She sniffed the hot chocolaty goodness and asked what was in it.  I told her.  “That’s all?  Maybe I’ll try it, but I know I won’t like it.”
She used an iced teaspoon, the long handle for protection I assume, and gathered a micro speck of still hot chocolate pudding.  She looked, sniffed and quite gingerly licked.  I cannot even begin to describe the delighted smile that spread across her face.  It was like looking into the face of a 2 year old on Christmas morning.  “This is . . . good.”
The problem was this; she had never had the real thing before.  She had always had “pudding” from a box, can or plastic cup.  Processed and fake flavored, it was called pudding, but it was not the real thing.

Last year, I started going to Community Bible Study in my county in North Carolina. I asked God for a single book to study at home and He gave me a single book, Revelations, and a study group of passionate women to go with it. I am forever grateful for His wisdom. These committed ladies in leadership have shown me and given me the 'real thing': consistent shepherding. And...accountability as I study the Word. First, I study at home with a study guide. Then, I meet with my core group to go over the study guide. Finally there is a short lecture on the meaning of that day's verses and how they apply to us today. When I leave, I feel like I have been surrounded with a shield of love and grace as we have delve into the word of God together each week.
Today, I started my second year of study. I am still experiencing the 'real thing' as well as giving back what I am learning to others. This year, I was also asked to joined the leadership team and work in the children's department. WOW! A double portion. Let the learning begin!

Are you experiencing the 'real thing'? Are you making time for quality Bible study on a regular basis? Some are able to be in a faith-filled group while others have no choice but to study the Word individually. Either way, your purpose will be the same: drawing closer to God through His Word as well as learning to listen to His Spirit. This is the only way to get through these tough times with victory. I pray the only question you are considering now is: Where do I want to begin? You may need to seek help but DON'T GIVE UP! 
There are tons of resources online. I use Blue Letter Bible to help me with my search for the truth between the verses. I have learned so much lately and the Scriptures are coming to life. I know it will happen for you too if you DON"T GIVE UP!!


  1. I loved this illistration. It makes me think of the way I grew up. I grew up in a very legalistic church where the "real thing" to them was a bunch of rules that you have to follow. Once I got out of that atmosphere in high school, I finally realized what the real thing was! It wasn't a bunch of was a bunch of promises and the best life I've ever had! Love you!

    1. Yeah, that is what I thought serving Jesus was all about...following the rules perfectly. His grace has revolutionized my life. Love you back!

  2. Love the story and the post. God is good. I am thanking Him for Community Bible Study as well. What a wonderful group of women and a great study.

    1. We are right where we need to be my friend. Blessings on you and your core group.
