
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Witness To God's Wonderful Works

As the Hospice donation truck backed up at my garage door, I knew the first phase of the garage cleanup had been completed. Two guys jumped out of the cab raring to go. Tyler was a young college student who didn’t mind the hard work. I told him he would go far, if he kept that good work ethic. Charles was the older black guy who could still work circles around any teenager. He claimed working hard kept him youthful and I agreed with him.

Those two working together, made my heavy boxes seem like they were pitching beach balls at the pool. I was amazed. As they continued to work, they asked about my wooded property and commented on its beauty. I told them how God had prepared and made a way for me to buy this property over twenty years ago.

“I can tell you are a believing woman.” Charles replied with a smile.

Gauging their interest, I said, “Yes sir, I sure am. Let me tell you about one more God experience I have had recently.” They kept on packing while I told them about the storm parting on the interstate for my friend after a prayer. (Blog Post: Friends Forever)

As Charles listened, his smile grew bigger and his eyes lit up. All he responded with was, “For Real! Wow! God is good!”

As I finished my story, they finished with their loading and closed the truck door.

“Well, I just wanted to bless you guys today. Know that God is on the move to help His children. Look to God in faith and know He wants to bless you too!

“You sure did bless us mam, you sure did. Charles replied.

Thanks!” they both said as they hopped back into the truck cab and drove off.

As I sat back down at my desk, I pondered the completed job and the fruitful witness. Joy flooded my soul. The Lord popped in with these words,

“That is the idea! I long to bless you abundantly so you are able to go out and glorify Me by telling others. When others witness your joy and the fire in your eyes, they will come to know the truth about Me. Tell them about my favor and my provisions. Tell them about my protection and healing. The retelling of My wonderful works to believers and unbelievers alike will not only kindle their faith in Me but keep yours glowing brightly too.”

God is ready to bless us with more then enough favor to see us through the toughest situations. However, before you get started, there are three questions you need to ask yourself.

Have to received Jesus as your Savior and Lord?

Are we willing to ask and believe according to His word?

When you are touched by His generous faithfulness, will you salt your conversations to glorify Him?

God’s will is to bless all His children. Come, believe, and taste His goodness.


  1. Wow! What a story this is. You blessed me today as I read! Love you!

  2. Be always ready to give a witness...His evidence is everywhere.

  3. God gives us so many opportuninties to share about Him. To be obedient to do is the key. Thank you for sharing your story. You blessed the men in your story and all of us. Love you MJ!

    1. You been to the speaker conference yet? Blessings on the before and after.

  4. Mary Jane, I smiled the whole way through this. Thank you for this example of how easy it is to overflow with God's love. You are a beautiful daughter of the King.
