
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Transported To Lumberton

My friend, Cathy and I went to see a writer buddy of ours for the weekend. We traveled from Spindale to Lumberton where Jamie lived and then on to Wilmington for the girl’s weekend away. Friday and Saturday we had a wonderful time shopping, laughing, eating and seeing the sights. When Sunday came though, I knew we needed to get our friend Jamie back to her church by 9:45 am because she had to sing in the choir. We got up early and wasted no time getting ready. Yet in spite of our best efforts to get away by 8:15am, we were not able to leave until 8:30 am. We packed the car and I put the address into Rosie (my GPS). Rosie said we would not arrive until 10:00 am. Ok, I thought, we’re going to get there late and I hated to disappoint Jamie. So…I said a simple prayer, “Lord give us traveling mercies back to Lumberton and Lord…(feeling bold) transport us if You will. We are late and we could use Your help getting there on time. Amen.”

Not long after we had started our hour and a half trip, the low fuel light flashed on my dashboard. We should have filled up last night, I thought. Knowing there was no way I had enough gas to make the trip, I stopped for fuel. Feeling defeated again, I pumped the gas and prayed again, “Lord please help us.” When I got back into the car, I checked Rosie for an updated time of arrival, 10:10 am. Suddenly a scripture flashed through my mind, John 10:10.

“...I have come that you might have life
and have life more abundantly.”

Ok Lord, I thought, there is no way I can make up the time we have lost. It is in your hands. I will accept what you provide. I started the car and off we went.

When we were about 20 miles from our back roads destination, something unusual began to happen. Minutes started melting off of Rosie’s estimated time of arrival. I began to wonder what was going on. Nothing else seemed unusual. More minutes melted away. What’s going on Lord? I asked. No answer. More minutes melted off. When we finally arrived at the church, it was 9:43! That was 27 minutes faster then what Rosie herself had said AND 2 minutes faster than our original planned time to arrive. The Lord had transported us on time. Stunned and overflowing with joy, we popped out of the car praising Him for His wonderful answer to our simple earnest prayers. WOW, Lord! Thank you!

Later, while I was studying the scriptures for confirmation, I asked the Lord where was He during this event. He answered by showing me a vision of the side of my car. A large angel the length of my car was flying near the roof. I could see the air moving so fast past the angel and car that it looked as if we were traveling at a high rate of speed. That was all the confirmation I needed.

Some may choose not to believe or explain my excitement away. However, I believe we are coming into a time where God is waiting for us to advance our faith and accept miracles like this in our everyday lives. For those who are willing to believe, training has already begun. The time we have left to proclaim the gospel is short. For me, this incident was actually the second transportation in the last 2 months. The first one I questioned. The second one got my attention. I don’t know all of what God has planned for the future. But, I am excited and expectant. I want to do the great works He promised us. I pray each of you will become expectant, expand your faith and advance too.

Scripture references: Acts 8:39, John 6:21, John 14:5-18 
Recommended reading: Transported by the Lion of Judah by Anne Elmer


  1. Wasn't that a great moment? I've never had that happen before, but I'm expecting it to happen again at some point! Love you!

    1. ...and we are just regular people...being blessed by a supernatural God. We don't deserve it but we get to experience it through what the sacrifice of Jesus provided for us. Blessings my friend!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Nan! I love it when God shines brightly in my life. Blessings!

  3. I told a friend about our experience today and she broke out in "Holy Bumps" all up and down her arms. I told her she should have been there. It was an amazing act by a loving God! Yaaaayyy, God!

  4. My husband Jack & I have often experienced God "stopping the clock" for us...MANY times when I was working f/t-(we were penalized for punching in even 1 minute late).

    If He, Who created us from dust, Who creates life from nothing, can heal, save, and restore sinful man, how much more will He do for those who love Him? Time, as we know it, must bow to Him Who created time!

  5. My husband Jack & I have often experienced God "stopping the clock" for us...MANY times when I was working f/t-(we were penalized for punching in even 1 minute late).

    If He, Who created us from dust, Who creates life from nothing, can heal, save, and restore sinful man, how much more will He do for those who love Him? Time, as we know it, must bow to Him Who created time!

  6. Another example of how His timing being just perfect. I think I need to stop looking and counting on my watch and keep rhythem with His. This was really good. Thank you sharing the ride with us.

  7. My husband Jack & I have often experienced God "stopping the clock" for us...MANY times when I was working f/t-(we were penalized for punching in even 1 minute late).

    If He, Who created us from dust, Who creates life from nothing, can heal, save, and restore sinful man, how much more will He do for those who love Him? Time, as we know it, must bow to Him Who created time!

  8. My husband Jack & I have often experienced God "stopping the clock" for us...MANY times when I was working f/t-(we were penalized for punching in even 1 minute late).

    If He, Who created us from dust, Who creates life from nothing, can heal, save, and restore sinful man, how much more will He do for those who love Him? Time, as we know it, must bow to Him Who created time!
