
Friday, August 2, 2013

Best Friends Forever

My life-long best friend, Teri, has been here visiting me from Alabama for the past two weeks. We have been best buds since the second grade so you could say she knows me well! I feel so blessed that we have persevered through all the ups and downs of our relationship because today, long-term friendships seem so rare.

Teri and I both have been going through some tough times lately so we decided a nice long visit would be just the thing to get us going again. Teri had driven about an hour of the seven-hour trip, when she phoned me to ask me to pray. The rain was so bad; she could barely see what was ahead of her.

As I prayed, I asked the Lord to protect and guide her first. Then, I got to thinking about the situation and I got a little creative too. I told the Lord that I didn’t want the people who really needed the rain to miss out. So… I reminded God of the time He parted the Red Sea for Noah and the Hebrew people. I asked Him, if he could part the storm and lighten the rainfall along the interstate. I stretched my arms straight out in front of me, then parted them to show God what I meant. As I thanked Him, I went back to getting the house ready for my friend.

About 3 hours later, my friend, called me back to give me an update on her progress. The first thing she asked: Was I related to Noah? I asked what did she mean. Then she told me how the storms had parted and went to either side of the interstate so she was able to drive safely through. I said you are kidding me and began to laugh. Then, I told her how I had prayed about the situation. She thought I was kidding too but I assured her I was not. We both laughed as our hearts filled with joy as we realized what God had done.

Teri and I were amazed and blessed at our special answer to prayer. God knew exactly how to start our visit off on a positive note and help us begin to overcome the negative mindsets that had gotten us down lately. God didn’t stop there. As we talked and sought His will together, He preformed one miracle moment after another during the whole time Teri was here. By the time she left today, we were sad to part but confident that we had been renewed for the days ahead.

Are you developing friendships that will last the test of time? If not, I encourage you to do so. Friendships are so important to our overall well-being. A close friend can lift us up and out of our negative mindsets. They can also help us find our way back to God again. When we do things alone, it is drudgery. But, when have a friend beside us, we are empowered to move forward.


  1. Isn't it awesome that we still get amazed by the things He does for us, on our own behalf?
    What a mighty GOD we serve!

    1. I love it when God is so specific with His answers. We can see and know He is alive and well. Blessings on your ministry!

  2. Mary Jane, this was beautiful. I love my sisters that God placed carefully and perfectly in my path. It's not by chance but by His awesome perfection. Love you Bunches.

    1. I know what you mean Mary. Life would be harder without our friends. Blessings on your journey ahead!

  3. I loved this post. It made me think of the friendship that Nan and I share. Though we haven't known one another for a lot of years; the 3 years we've been in contact have some of the sweetest. It hasn't always been easy, we've had to tell each other "like is is" but we've always managed to find our ground once again. Love you!

    1. You are at the beginning of your friendship journey with Nan. We have to begin somewhere. I am so happy that you have someone who you can be by your side. Blessings!

  4. Loved this post, Mary Jane. I love hearing how God is still working miracles everyday.

    1. Thanks so much. I was sooooooo blessed by the whole situation.
