This is a piece I wrote a few years back. It is longer then normal. However, I hope is that you will find some helpful wisdom for your situation today.
Men who have the desire to apply for the position of Dad
need tenacity and dedication. The most qualified and successful are those
capable of developing a wise teachable heart. When interviewed, a prospective
candidate must be willing to discuss what their vision and long range plans.
Some of the regular responsibilities will include teaching and being an example
at every given moment as well as providing protection and financial security
for whatever circumstance may be presented. In return, the family, wife
included, will graciously consent to do any on the job training without the
prospective reviewing of our company’s official instruction manual. This pert,
for most applicants, seems to be the final incentive to finish the application
process. When the fully qualified Dad is placed, it will be advantageous for
his to begin by soliciting help and support from his new family. The following
is my side of the story about the Dad who was placed in our family.
In the beginning, when our new Dad arrived with the baby,
everything was fine. I settled in to becoming the typical wife and mother that
my friends and family had instructed me to be. You may recognize the drill. Whenever
the Dad made what I considered a questionable decision about anything, I immediately
went to the sulky but subtle begging routine. Afterwards, when increased
whining became ineffective, I continue on with a full-blown nagging mode. After
all, it was the Dad that was being too hardheaded to see that I knew the best
way to do most everything. At first, the
Dad wanted to make a good impression so he was cordial but that gracious
resolve quickly withered. I had a hard time understanding the necessity for the
Dad having this new and growing negative demeanor. After all, I was doing the
same thing I had always done. Nevertheless, my Dad on longer wanted to
cooperate with my continual lack of trust in his abilities to handle his job.
After many cold-hearted but heated consultations, I decided
this Dad was ill-suited for our particular family and went to file for a
replacement at the local office. The branch manager reassured me the Dad and I
could eventually work out the kinks through cooperation and communication.
Ultimately, the manager would not take no for an answer and suggest I contact
their corporate office for any further advice. Feeling defeated, I went home
and wrote the most righteously profound sounding letter to the corporate office
that I could construct. After I mailed it, a sense of renewed strength and hope
sprang forth. I just knew my problems with this obviously delinquent Dad would
be solved.
Within days, I received their reply. I excitedly tried to
discern their letter until it plainly accused me of being a major part of the
problem. Hence, I felt justified in disregarding the rest of that despicable
letter. What?! Me the problem?! There must be some mistake! Growing more
indignant, I contacted the corporate headquarters personally and informed them
of the horrible mix up. No mix-ups here was their gracious but confident reply.
When my frantic plea for an easier way was voiced, they reassured me of their
extensive experience in dealing with situations just like mine. In the end, the
recommendations remained the same. Go back to their original letter, study it,
and practice what I learned from its contents. At the first natural conclusion,
I didn’t hear a “click” but I sure thought I felt one.
Now, in desperation, I resigned myself to reading the entire
corporate letter and studying its contents. Eventually, I naturally demonstrated
the suggestion of respecting the Dad position and the authority, which had been
given to him by the corporate office when he was first assigned. To my
surprise, the whole family began to experience greater productivity. I realized
the Dad needed to be the CEO of our family operation while I needed to develop
my position as the heart. The attitudes of the heart were a vital determiner of
the family’s overall success as well as the possibilities for future

I soon discovered valuable productive secrets. Remember the
overlooked official instruction manual? The secrets in that book started to
unfold when I read and studied the section called I Peter 3:1-2. I learned in
dealing with a Dad, I needed one of the Biblical zippers designed and promoted
by the corporate office. After mine was installed and began functioning
properly, I became amazed at how it helped my mind to reorganize and dispose of
any questionable hidden motives or agendas, any unclean thoughts in the storage
areas, and finally any unnecessary or hurtful words I used for emphasizing in
our family meetings. As my strategy continued to change, the positive
creativity for genuinely wise solutions in our unique situation increased
steadily. And yes, if you have to know, I do admit to some manipulation of my
Biblical zipper on occasion but I always got the same downward-spiraling as a
result. The normally sooth running zipper stuck forcing me to go back to square
one and begin again.
Along with the fully functional zipper, I also concentrated
on how to deal with the Dad’s questionable decisions. Before, when a
questionable choice was made, I would lose sight of the overall family’s goal
of unity. I became impatient and discouraged with the progress the family was
making. I thought myself wise when I would decide to handle situations on my
own without consulting the corporate office first. Now, I have realized those
at the corporate office have plenty of time and patience to handle any thing I
send their way for discussion and approval. My family no longer has to plummet
into needless disasters and costly delays.
In essences, what did I learn through my own experience with
a Dad? First and foremost, I can never be the Dad’s Holy Spirit. My position as
a wife was never designed for that kind of stress. My ability to change others
brings only temporal results at best while God’s changes are eternal. Next,
when I insisted on my wisdom, I ran the risk of dissolving my family permanently.
When I had a problem or question about God’s plan or procedures, I learned to
honestly communicate and cooperate with God to know how, when, and where to
communicate with the Dad. Next, I learned that a commitment to prayer and study
of the scriptures were never optional. Searching for wisdom and learning
humility were just a part of the process. If there was an easier way, I assure
you, I would have found it. However, the good news for those who remain
faithful to the search, find solutions to the problems they face in dealing
with the position of Dad.
Interesting concept for family construction. Not sure if the Dad or the Mom learned more in this transaction. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteI think they were both equally blessed in their service. Thanks!