
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

United With Christ

Lately, I have had two reoccurring scenes in my mind’s eye that I know have been prompted by the Holy Spirit.

The first is a picture of the outline of Christ with out-stretched arms. As I am looking at the picture, I noticed shooting lights like stars going into different parts on the inside of the outline. What I sensed God saying was that Christ is gathering the genuine Body of Christ unto Himself. One by one true believers are adopting Christ-like character so a united front can be formed. Christ is becoming the center of all they think and do. Self-centeredness will become a thing of the past. Differences among believers will fall away for the sake of the mission to proclaim Christ alone.

The second picture is a picture of Christ walking at a fast rate. His arms were pumping along with His feet. His hair and clothes were being pulled backwards from the speed of His pace. I also saw a large world globe twirling on the other side of Him. When I saw the total picture, I sensed that after we finally unite as one in Him, Christ will begin to move very quickly around the world with His final message of hope for the lost.

While meditating on these scenes, questions have been popping up:

What am I doing in my own situation to foster unity in the Body of Christ? Are my actions testifying of His love for others? Am I promoting God’s principles or my opinions? Does my having to be “right” on Biblical issues driving a wedge and inhibiting love and unity? Do I pounce on others with my attitudes or do I minister grace and forgiveness? Do I build bridges or do I burn them?

God is ready for us to come together as a unit. He is looking for mature unoffendable hearts to answer and carry out what the saints have been praying for throughout the centuries. With our focus set, Christ will then work quickly to finish revealing His salvation message to all before His return. I don’t know about you, but I am ready to finish the task here on earth so we can assemble in our everlasting home in heaven.

So…are you ready to come into alignment with Christ and the body He is forming for His “end time” finale? Remember… Our lives are supposed to be all about Jesus for those of us who call Him Savior and Lord. Allowing our wills to surrender to His and then strengthening ourselves in His Word is how we are going to finish this final leg of the race well.


  1. Great thoughts for the start of 2013. I'm with you and others who are aligning themselves with Christ. Blessings for you in 2013!

    1. And same to you! Writing would be dull with out you....Blessings!
