
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

God Calling

“Oh no!”

I heard my daughter shriek. I came into the den, she looked up at me in a panic and said,

“I’ve lost my cell phone in the sofa.

Sure enough it was gone into the deep recesses of the sofa where it couldn’t be recovered without ripping the sofa all apart. I discovered a 4-inch hole in the side lining where the phone fell. After removing part of the bottom lining, we were still unable to see the phone. We heard it ringing but we were unable to get to it.

In the end my daughter purchased another phone and we joked about the phone ringing in the sofa.

“Mom, your sofa is ringing. Do you want me to answer it?” It took about 5 days for the battery to run down.

As I was musing over this situation with a little chuckle, the Lord broke in and said,

“I get treated that way from time to time.”

“How so Lord?” I said.

“When you stuff me under the cushions of your life and neglect to keep the lines of communication open. Your urgency for earthly things over powers the important spiritual necessities.” He answered.

“I’m sorry Lord. Help me to be consistent with my quiet times. I know they are important to the both of us. It’s just that…” and I stopped myself when I realized I was beginning to make excuses for my behavior.

Is there any ‘excuse’ worthy to stop our communication with God? How do we lose the Lord in the crevices of our lives until we can’t hear him calling us to come away for a moment of rest and wisdom?

As I was working on a suitable ending, the Lord lead me to an entry from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. Here it is in full.

Never take for granted My intimate nearness. Marvel at the wonder of My continual Presence with you. Even the most ardent human lover cannot be with you always. Nor can another person know the intimacies of you heart, mind, and spirit. I know everything about you---even the number of hairs on your head. You don’t need to work at revealing your self to Me.

Many people spend a lifetime or a small fortune searching for someone who understands them. Yet I am freely available to all who call upon My name, who open their hearts to receive Me as Savior. The simple act of faith is the beginning of a lifelong love story. I, the Lover of your soul, understand you perfectly and love you eternally.

In deed, the very hairs of you head are all numbered.
Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than may sparrows.
Luke 12:7

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name,
he gave the right to become children of God.
John 1:12

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
 Romans 10:13

Are you ready to regularly ‘schedule’ Christ into your everyday life? Jesus is such a gentleman. He will quietly ask but He will not nag or beg you for time with Him alone. You have to come out of your own free will. If you have been off balance lately, now is a great time to reconnect. Christ is waiting for you with open arms and a heart of love saying…Come.


  1. I love this post, Mary Jane! Losing the cell phone in the sofa is hilarious. It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase regarding your rear-end is calling!
    The tie-in to the devotional was a perfect reminder to us all. Thanks.

    1. This story is also about taking a negative and turning it into a positive. Fret to Faith to Fun

  2. I love the way you take everyday things and see the Biblical connection (no pun intended! Get it, connection?) in it. Blessings on your ministry.

    1. Thanks Cathy! God is everywhere if we will take the time to look and be sensitive to the spirit.
