The ministry of prayer often teaches me as much as it helps
the person I am praying for. This was the case as I prayed for a lady who I
knew was coming into see me.

I was not sure what it all meant so I asked the Holy Spirit
to give me some understanding of what I was to say. Moments later, I spoke out
these words without even thinking about it.
The key is in the

God often shows us a part of where He is planning on taking
us by giving us dreams, visions, words of knowledge or prophecy or through
other avenues in our daily lives.We get excited and sometimes consumed with the future plan. However, God will not open the door to the
“promised land” until we gain the character skills to stay firmly planted when we get there.
So many times when the wait is long, we want to whine and plead our way
into where we knew God wanted to place us. But God will not let us “jimmy the
lock” open prematurely. Why? He loves us too much. He knows, if He allows us
into the land too early, He would be setting us up for failure. Although every
pathway has its challenges, God doesn’t intentionally send someone into a new situation
knowing they do not have the character skills to accomplish what He is asking
them to accomplish. We may try to send ourselves in disobedience but God will not send
us unprepared.
So, if the key is the character, then where do we find the
traits needed to advance to the next level? We can start with the fruit of the
spirit in Galatians 5:22-23.
As we grow in Christ our understanding of each of these grows. As we put our
understanding of each of these fruits into practice, then the Holy Spirit will reveal
more and more to us. The more we develop our fruits/character the more usable
we become and the more we can glorify the One we serve.
Are you ready to enter your promised land or are you still
going around in stubborn circles? There are no shortcuts with God. Only the
real thing will do. Ask Him what you are lacking and get ready to insert your
key of character. God is more then ready to help you with opening your door.
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