Welcome to "Friday Friends," guest blogger, Kimberly Rae, who has written a wonderful story about how she displayed the love of Christ to a young boy in Bangladesh.

I leave Milo and his mother
and head home, grab my scarcely used first-aid kit, then return to my new
little friend.
It does not take long for me
to realize that my mission is futile. Either the sore had scabbed over, or so
much dirt has crusted in it that I cannot get it off. I try an antibacterial
wipe, then an alcohol wipe. Since neither even erase the dirt marks on the
surface of his foot, I know nothing I do will get to the actual sore to help.
The rest is rather pointless.
I apply antibiotic cream, but for no purpose since the sore is still covered,
then the gauze goes on and I tape it securely to his foot. I have been talking
the whole time for Milo’s sake, but all in English. Finally I say “shesh”---
Bengali for “finished,” and heard it ripple through the crowd.

I say goodbye---see you
again---to Milo and his mother, and walk to the ever-present rickshaw. The
rickshaw driver is smiling at me. I hope he knows it is Christ’s love I want to
Have I done anything
worthwhile? Not really. None of the first-aid I did will make any difference.
The again, perhaps other things are accomplished this day, things that were not
my goal, but that held more worth than my goal.
In such a place, where class
and status matter, I reached down and touched a little boy who had perhaps
never received any special attention in his entire life. I had touched his
foot, in a land where the foot is unclean and many would be mortified to touch
another person’s foot. I had smiled and tried to help, and in a country where
most think that all Americans and Christians, perhaps my doing so had
represented Christ in some small way.
On my rickshaw ride home, I
pray that God will heal little Milo’s foot. And I pray that someday, when
someone tells them of Jesus in their own language, they will think of this
small act of kindness, ad be willing to listen. I pray they saw His love in me.
Whose foot has God asked you to
touch today?
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