
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Anyone going through a trial? No matter who we are or where we live, we will have to deal with them.  They are not prejudice to your looks, social standing, or lack there of. They come to everybody who lives on the planet. And…if we happen to be trial-free at the moment, then hang on because one is in the making, tailor-made for your situation. We have to remember that when we gave our lives to Christ, we started the perfecting process. We all go through trials but how we end up after them or whether we have to go through them over and over again depends on who we rely on to get us through.

Trials are difficult, unpredictable, and the timing and length are non-negotiable. We are in the hands of the One who sets the terms. But, what we learn through them can be life changing and used for His glory. So many times we are not willing to learn a new way because we have to loose control and jump towards the unknown. However, when we release our concerns into God’s loving arms, He transforms our trust into power to believe for the resolution, the restoration, and the life changing character He promises to develop.

God will not protect you from
 what he wants to perfect you through.

What can we do to help us move through the process?  

Proclaim who God is to you. He is my Strength, Fortress, Help in time of need, Lover of my soul, Mighty, and full of grace to see you through any situation. It is also good to remember the times He has gotten us through in the past as well.

Proclaim who you are in Him. I am righteous; I have the mind of Christ, I have the peace of God that passes all understanding. Speaking and mediating on these types of scriptures strengthens the knowledge of who we are in our heart. It also fortifies our mind so that we can make it to the other side.

Proclaim  to your enemy he is defeated. Satan has no power over us and we already have the victory. Satan is so sneaky about how he undermines our resolve. The enemy plants seeds of doubt, which we may think is just logical thinking but end up making us give up prematurely. Watch your thoughts because they can lead us in the wrong direction before we realize what or why your downward spiral happened.

These proclamations and mediations fortify our mind with faith (vision/the mortar), hope (upward attitude and anticipation throughout the process), and love (our perception of God’s presence with us). Our words and thoughts are like bricks that build a fortress around our heart and mind by faith to protect us from the words and actions of the enemy. They help us to stay focused on what is really important.

What are you doing to get through in your tough situations? Trials are no fun and there are no quick and easy solutions to shorten the process. However, there are ways to go through that will give us more courage, strength, and peace of mind while God is working His way in our life. Remember...even in your darkest hour, Your Heavenly Father is there with you and he will complete what He has started in you.

For it is God who works in you
 both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

Philippians 2:13

This blog post is dedicated to Pastor Terry Howell. 


  1. Really appreciate the helpful hints. Sometimes when we are in a rough spot we forget to follow these hints. Blessings!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration!

  3. You are so welcome. We all need it to get through whatever we are struggling with at the moment. Blessings on your week! MJ
